Bloodshed Dev C Advantagesrdyellow

Environment: Win7 x64/x86 (over 6000+ clients) - AD/SCCM
BloodShed Dev-C++ comes with an installer including switch support however the silent install (using /S) does not hide two prompt windows that hault the installation.
The fastest solution I could come up with will be explained below.
MSI Package Compiler (Admin Studio, Wise, etc)
7-Zip (free)
First, extract the setup that comes with DevCPP by right-clicking and using 7-zip to extract.
Cut/paste the content of /$PLUGINS/ and /$OUTDIR/ into /bin/ so that the executables are inherently available without adding environment path variables.
Install any 3rd party packages that you need for your clients.
In wise package studio, I created a folder in /Program Files (x86)/ titled 'Bloodshed DevCPP' and placed all files and folders in there. Created a shortcut on the desktop, and a shortcut in the start menu to devcpp and package manager.
Then, I set all of the standard file-type association to devcpp.exe including but not limited to (.cpp, .c, .h, .rc, .dev, .devpak (packman.exe), .hc, etc..)
This in my opinion is the best way to repackage this as it allows you to include many things by default such as includes, libraries, configuration modifications and more (on top of building patches for updates.).

Setup Type: unspecified

This maybe because the c compiler is designed to work in linux.I had this problem too and to fix it go to tools and select compiler options.In the box click on programs. Now you will see a tab with gcc and make and the respective path to it.Edit the gcc and make path to use mingw32-c.exe and mingw32-make.exe respectively.Now it will work. Welcome to Digi Forum, where you can ask questions and receive answers from other members of the community.

The official Dev-C hasn't been updated since 2005, and likely will never be updated since the lead developer has stated in 2006 that due to personal issues he will not be continuing development on Dev-C. From there, there are 3 main problems that are directly caused by Dev-C's age. The included MinGW is obsolete. Bloodshed Software Dev-c security vulnerabilities, exploits, metasploit modules, vulnerability statistics and list of versions (e.g.: CVE-2009-1234 or 2010-1234 or 20101234) Log In Register.

Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
  • 07/20/2011
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Bloodshed Dev C Advantagesrdyellow

C++ Bloodshed Download

What is Dev-C++?

Dev-C++, developed by Bloodshed Software, is a fully featuredgraphical IDE (Integrated Development Environment), which is able to createWindows or console-based C/C++ programs using the MinGW compiler system. MinGW(Minimalist GNU* for Windows) uses GCC (the GNU g++ compiler collection), whichis essentially the same compiler system that is in Cygwin (the unix environmentprogram for Windows) and most versions of Linux. There are, however, differencesbetween Cygwin and MinGW; link to Differencesbetween Cygwin and MinGW for more information.
*GNU is a recursive acronym for 'GNU's NotUnix'; it is pronounced 'guh-NEW'. The GNUProject was launched in 1984 to develop a freeand complete Unix-like operating system.


I'll be the first to say that the name Bloodshed won't give youwarm and fuzzies, but I think it's best if the creator of Bloodshed explains:

First Iwould like to say that I am not a satanist, that I hate violence/war and that Idon't like heavy metal / hard-rock music. I am french, but I do know themeaning of the 'Bloodshed' word, and I use this name because I thinkit sounds well. If you are offended by the name, I am very sorry but it wouldbe a big mess to change the name now. Windows server 2008 r2 vlan tagging.

There's also a reason why I keep theBloodshed name. I don't want people to think Bloodshed is a company, because itisn't. I'm just doing this to help people.

Here is a good remark on theBloodshed name I received from JohnS:
Debian apache ssl. I assumed that this was a reference to the time and effort it requires of youto make these nice software programs, a la 'Blood, Sweat and Tears'.

Peace and freedom,

Colin Laplace

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