Codec Mpeg Audio Layer 1 2 3 Mpga Youtube To Mp3

-->Codec Mpeg Audio Layer 1 2 3 Mpga Youtube To Mp3

The Microsoft MPEG Audio Decoder is a synchronous Media Foundation Transform (MFT) that enables decoding MPEG audio elementary stream formats using the Media Foundation (MF) pipeline.

The decoder supports the following MPEG elementary stream formats. Clash of kings troop trees.

MP2 is the dominant audio codec in digital audio broadcasting and is also used in the production of Video CDs (VCDs). MPEG-1 Audio Layer II is defined in ISO/IEC 11172-3. An extension of MPEG-1 Layer II is defined in ISO/IEC 13818-3, which adds more sampling and bit rates as well as support for up to 5 audio channels. Production phase. MPEG-1 Audio Layer II (MP2) is an audio file format that uses the MPEG Audio Layer-2 compression standard defined by ISO/IEC 11172-3 to reduce the size of the file. It is a lossy format, which was replaced by MP3 because MP3 required a lower bit rate to achieve the same quality. However, MP2 is still predominantly used in broadcasting because. Codec: Mpeg AAC audio (mp4a) sample rate 48000Hz (no bitrate shown) For comparison, a working MP3 from my previous projects shows: codec: Mpeg Audio layer 1/2 (mpga) sample rate: 44100Hz. Bit rate: 320kbps. You could try resaving the file. Try 22100Hz or 44100Hz, and constant bitrate, and look for any other options or settings that might cause.

  • MPEG-1 audio layers I and II (ISO/IEC 11172-3). 2. MPEG-2 backward-compatible, layers I and II (ISO

  • MPEG-2 backward-compatible, layers I and II (ISO/IEC 13818-3), mono and stereo only

Class Identifier

The class identifier (CLSID) of the MPEG Audio decoder is CLSID_MSMPEGAudDecMFT, defined in the header file wmcodecdsp.h.

Input Media Types

The MPEG Audio decoder supports the following input media type attributes.

MF_MT_AUDIO_NUM_CHANNELS(Optional) Usually 1 for mono or 2 for stereo, but can be up to 6 channels.
MF_MT_AUDIO_CHANNEL_MASK(Optional) Usually 0x4 for mono or 0x3 for stereo, but can also be any one of the channel masks associated with up to 6 channels (3/2/1, 3/2, 3/1, 2/2, 2/1). If present, the channel mask must be consistent with the specified input number of channels.
MF_MT_AUDIO_SAMPLES_PER_SECOND(Optional) One of the following: 16000, 22050, 24000, 32000, 44100, 48000. If specified, the input sampling rate must be one of the valid MPEG sampling rates.

Output Media Types

The MPEG Audio decoder will support up to four output media subtypes, in the following order.

Codec Mpeg Audio Layer 1 2 3 Mpga Youtube To Mp3 Player

Codec Mpeg Audio Layer 1 2 3 Mpga Youtube To Mp3
1. Stereo, floating point. 2. Stereo, 16-bit PCM. 3. Mono, floating point (only if the input is mono or dual-mono). 4. Mono, 16-bit PCM (only if the input is mono or dual-mono).

The decoder always supports stereo output and it is enumerated as the first output media type.

Codec Mpeg Audio Layer 1/2 (mpga)


The decoder supports the following output media type attributes.

Codec Mpeg Audio Layer 1 2 3 Mpga Youtube To Mp3 Converter

MF_MT_SUBTYPEEither MFAudioFormat_PCM or MFAudioFormat_Float
MF_MT_AUDIO_CHANNEL_MASK0x4 for mono or 0x3 for stereo
MF_MT_AUDIO_SAMPLES_PER_SECONDOne of the following: 16000, 22050, 24000, 32000, 44100, 48000.

Transform Attributes

The MPEG Audio decoder implements the IMFTransform::GetAttributes method. Master lock 4 digit combination. Applications can use this method to get or set the following attributes. Sharp mx 2610n windows 10 driver.

CODECAPI_AVDecAudioDualMonoSpecifies whether 2-channel audio being decoded is dual mono or not. Read-only. Set by the MFT. For more information see eAVDecAudioDualMono.
CODECAPI_AVDecAudioDualMonoReproModeSpecifies how the decoder reproduces dual mono audio. The default value is eAVDecAudioDualMonoReproMode_LEFT_MONO.
Read/Write. Applications can set this property to change the default behavior. For more information see eAVDecAudioDualMono.
CODECAPI_AVEncCommonMeanBitRateSpecifies the compressed stream bit rate. Read-only. Set by the MFT.

See also