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The Social Security Disability Advocates
Americans like to work. Ragini mms returns full movie download. We like to earn our own way. And most of us do exactly that for most of our lives. But some of us aren't that lucky. Some of us get hurt or get sick and simply can't go on working as before. That's why there is a Disability section of the Social Security law. And that is why your FICA taxes pay for both Social Security Retirement and for Social Security Disability. Chrome addons word counter blox.
Social Security really is an 'Entitlement.' Some politicians have tried to put a negative spin on that word. But consider this: The word 'Entitlement' means something to which you are entitled. It's something you've paid for—FICA taxes come out of your paycheck to pay for this social insurance. It's like a title for your car or for your home or any other insurance policy. It's the same thing with your Social Security benefits. You have paid for them. And if you become disabled, these benefits are available to you if you apply. Or even better—let us apply for benefits for you. You explain to us why you are unable to work, tell us what your doctors think and let us do our job.
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